Malayan Nature Journal (MNJ)

Home Volume 9

MNJ Volume 9 (1954-1955)

Volume 9 (1) June 1954

Editorial :

  1. The Behaviour of Seladang by Charles S. Ogilivie
  2. The Yellow Bittern by James Cairns
  3. A Nest of The Bamboo Green Woodpecker by H. G. D. Lewin
  4. The Birds of Pulau Perak by G. C. Madoc



  1. Feeding Habits of The Blacknaped Oriole by F. G. H. Allen
  2. A Blue-faced Booby? by M. LI. Party
  3. A Further Note on The Naked Bulldog Bat by H. J. Kitchener
  4. Notes on Two Families of Yellow Bittern by James Cairns
  5. A Family of The Great Black Scorpion by J. L. Harrison
  6. A Freak Antler by H. J. Kitchener
  7. Malayan snakes by  R. A. Lever
  8. A Natural History Museum for Penang by  J. D. Lewis
  9. Sick Birds



  1. To Begin The Study of Malayan Plants by J. Wyatt-Smith
  2. Angling in Malaya


News from Local Branches

Volume 9 (2) September 1954


  1. The Slow Loris As a Pet by R. S. Butterfield
  2. Some Birds of Asahan, Malacca by D. M. Batchelor
  3. Notes on Some Birds Nesting in King George V National Park by Charles S. Ogilvie
  4. Hair by H. J. Kitchener



  1. Bird Ringing and Recording by D. M. Batchelor and J. L. Harrison
  2. Plant Life in Malaya by P. R. Wycherley
  3. Hornet and Weaver-Finch Partnership by H. J. Kitchener
  4. The Wing Pouches of The Naked Bulldog Bat by J. L. Harrison
  5. The Ocean Sunfish in Sarawak, 1954 by Tom Harrisson
  6. The Mystery of Barren Island by B. E. Smythies



  1. Natural History and The Game Laws
  2. The Sarawak Calendar

Report of The Seventh Annual General Meeting

News from Local Branches

Volume 9 (3) December 1954


  1. Photographing the Yellow Bittern in Penang by Loke Wan Tho
  2. Our Changing Flora by J. A. Reid
  3. The Limestone Hills of Ulu Kenyam by J. A. Hislop
  4. A Note on the White-Collared Kingfisher by A. T. edgar
  5. Eyes that are No Eyes by R. Morrell



  1. A Snake New to Malaya by M. W. F. Tweedie
  2. Bird Notes from Johore by L. Webber
  3. Larval Habits of a Nymphalid Butterfly by R. Morrell
  4. More Butterfly Menu by M. W. F. Tweedie
  5. Notes on Noddies by F. G. H. Allen
  6. Hornet and Weaver-Finch Partnership by C. L. Collenette



Malayan Wild Flowers

News from Local Branches

Volume 9 (4) April 1955


  1. Notes on Pollination of Orchids of The Genus Plocoglottis by R. E. Holttum
  2. A Possible Nesting Association by B. D. Molesworth
  3. Functional Design in The Pineapple Plant by Lee Seng Tee
  4. Snakes Collected Near Kuala Lumpur by Lim Boo-Liat
  5. Archaeology in The Tropical Rain Forest by G. de G. Sieveking



  1. The Slow Loris as a Pet by J. N. Davis
  2. The Chinese Crested Myna in Singapore? by John Rayner
  3. Pulau Perak by G. C. Madoc
  4. Hornet and Weaver-Finch Partnership by J. A. Reid
  5. Footnote on The Yellow Bittern by James Cairns
  6. Camouflage by M. W. F. Tweedie
  7. The Mystery of Barren Island by Tom Harrisson
  8. The Age of Monitor Lizard by J. L. Harrison


Book Reviews:

  1. Malayan Animal Life by E. O. Shebbeare
  2. Malayan Houseflies


News from Local Branches

List of Members, 1954- 1955