Malayan Nature Journal (MNJ)

Home Volume 10

MNJ Volume 10 (1955-1956)

Volume 10 (1) July 1955

Editorial :

  1. Wild Bananas in Malaya by N. W. Simmonds
  2. Birds Seen at Maxwell’s Hill by G. H. Newmark
  3. Notes on Mangrove Caterpillar from Port Dickson by R. J. A. W. Lever
  4. A Gecko Colony by H. J. Kitchener
  5. A Miscellany of Birds Notes from Penang by James Cairns



  1. A Nest of The Greyheaded Flycatcher by G. Newmark
  2. The Redbreasted Snipe by D. Batchelor
  3. Albinism in Grasses by R. H. Forester
  4. The Name of The Forenoon Yellow Flag by Lim Yong Peng
  5. The Sunfish in Sarawak by Tom Harrisson
  6. Camouflage
  7. The Hatching of a Brood of Mantises by D. E. Cox


News from Local Branches

List of Members 1954-55

Volume 10 (2) December 1955


  1. Ridley, Malaya’s Greatest Naturalist by J. W. Purseglove
  2. A Ridley Reminiscene by J. A. Le Doux
  3. Bird Ringing – Avocation and Hobby by H. Elliot McClure
  4. The Giant Water Scorpion by H. J. Kitchener
  5. The Nesting of The Blue-Winged Pitta (Pitta megarhyncha Schleg.) by F. G. H. Allen
  6. Heliotropium indicum L. as An Insect Attractant in Malaya by R. Morrell
  7. Skin-Casting of Snakes by J. P. J. Waters



  1. Blossom-Headed Parakeets in Penang by J. Cairns
  2. A Mynah Error? by J. Cairns
  3. Regional Variation in The Ikan Bagoh (Puntius lateristriga) by M. W. F. Tweedie
  4. Falconets and Grasshoppers by H. T. Pagden
  5. Singapore Bird Notes by F. G. H. Allen 
  6. Mammal Notes from Pahang by E. C. Foenander


Report of The Annual General Meeting

News from Local branches

Volume 10 (3) March 1956


  1. Observation on Two Malayan Cuckoos by G. C. Madoc
  2. Notes on The Life Histories of a Number of Butterflies of The Subfamilly Theclinae by Roy Morrell
  3. Notes on Some Flies Recorded from Pitcher Plants by R. J. A. W. Lever
  4. Walks in templer Park and Part of The Kanching Forest Reserve by W. Adams



  1. The Slow Loris as a pet by J. N. Davies
  2. Peace-loving Fighting Fish by Lee Seng Tee
  3. A Malayan Lobster Moth by M. W. F. Tweedie
  4. Notes from the National Park by J. A. Hislop
  5. A mixed Bag from Pahang by E. C. Foenander

News from Local Branches

Volume 10 (4) May 1956


  1. Postscript to Pulau Perak by G. C. Madoc and F. G. H. Allen
  2. A Further Note on The Lesser Cuckoo by G. C. Madoc
  3. The Natural Food of Some Malayan Snakes by Lim Boo Liat
  4. The Night Heron by James Cairns
  5. Introducing Study Groups by J. R. Audy



  1. Siamese Twin in Fishes by E. C. Foenander
  2. Migrating Hawk-Eagle by R. N. Oakeley
  3. The Nesting of The Bay Headed Bee-eater by F. G. H. Allen
  4. Vanessa c. cardui by H. T. Pagden
  5. The Chinese Crested Mynah by A. G. Glenister
  6. Snakes as rat-eaters by J. L. Harrison

List of Members 1955-1956