MNJ Volume 10 (1955-1956)
Volume 10 (1) July 1955

- Wild Bananas in Malaya by N. W. Simmonds
- Birds Seen at Maxwell’s Hill by G. H. Newmark
- Notes on Mangrove Caterpillar from Port Dickson by R. J. A. W. Lever
- A Gecko Colony by H. J. Kitchener
- A Miscellany of Birds Notes from Penang by James Cairns
- A Nest of The Greyheaded Flycatcher by G. Newmark
- The Redbreasted Snipe by D. Batchelor
- Albinism in Grasses by R. H. Forester
- The Name of The Forenoon Yellow Flag by Lim Yong Peng
- The Sunfish in Sarawak by Tom Harrisson
- Camouflage
- The Hatching of a Brood of Mantises by D. E. Cox
News from Local Branches
List of Members 1954-55
Volume 10 (2) December 1955

- Ridley, Malaya’s Greatest Naturalist by J. W. Purseglove
- A Ridley Reminiscene by J. A. Le Doux
- Bird Ringing – Avocation and Hobby by H. Elliot McClure
- The Giant Water Scorpion by H. J. Kitchener
- The Nesting of The Blue-Winged Pitta (Pitta megarhyncha Schleg.) by F. G. H. Allen
- Heliotropium indicum L. as An Insect Attractant in Malaya by R. Morrell
- Skin-Casting of Snakes by J. P. J. Waters
- Blossom-Headed Parakeets in Penang by J. Cairns
- A Mynah Error? by J. Cairns
- Regional Variation in The Ikan Bagoh (Puntius lateristriga) by M. W. F. Tweedie
- Falconets and Grasshoppers by H. T. Pagden
- Singapore Bird Notes by F. G. H. Allen
- Mammal Notes from Pahang by E. C. Foenander
Report of The Annual General Meeting
News from Local branches
Volume 10 (3) March 1956

- Observation on Two Malayan Cuckoos by G. C. Madoc
- Notes on The Life Histories of a Number of Butterflies of The Subfamilly Theclinae by Roy Morrell
- Notes on Some Flies Recorded from Pitcher Plants by R. J. A. W. Lever
- Walks in templer Park and Part of The Kanching Forest Reserve by W. Adams
- The Slow Loris as a pet by J. N. Davies
- Peace-loving Fighting Fish by Lee Seng Tee
- A Malayan Lobster Moth by M. W. F. Tweedie
- Notes from the National Park by J. A. Hislop
- A mixed Bag from Pahang by E. C. Foenander
News from Local Branches
Volume 10 (4) May 1956

- Postscript to Pulau Perak by G. C. Madoc and F. G. H. Allen
- A Further Note on The Lesser Cuckoo by G. C. Madoc
- The Natural Food of Some Malayan Snakes by Lim Boo Liat
- The Night Heron by James Cairns
- Introducing Study Groups by J. R. Audy
- Siamese Twin in Fishes by E. C. Foenander
- Migrating Hawk-Eagle by R. N. Oakeley
- The Nesting of The Bay Headed Bee-eater by F. G. H. Allen
- Vanessa c. cardui by H. T. Pagden
- The Chinese Crested Mynah by A. G. Glenister
- Snakes as rat-eaters by J. L. Harrison
List of Members 1955-1956