MNJ Volume 31 (1977 – 1978)
Volume 31 (1) August 1977

- Manipulation And Regeneration Of The Mixed Swamp Forest In Sarawak by Lee Hua Seng
- Seasonal Rainfall Distribution Over West Malaysia by Chia Lin Sien
- The Silent Jungle Transmission Cycle Of Dengue Virus And Its Tenable Relationship To Endemic Dengue In Malaysia by A. Bruce Knudsen
- Coral Reefs In Sabah : Present Damage And Potential Dangers by Elizabeth M. Wood
- Management Of Big Game With Particular Reference To Elephants by lrven O. Buss
Book Review
Volume 31 (2) December 1977

- Biochemical Genetic Characteristics Of Malaysians by Lie-lnjo Luan Eng & J. Ganesan
- Secular Changes In Temuan (Malaysian Orang Asli) Settlement Patterns, Subsistence And Health by F. L. Dunn
- The Fern Flora Of Gunong Telapak Burok by A. G. Piggot
- Swamp Ecosystems by C. Howard-Williams
- Zoonotic Studies Of Small Animals In The Canopy Transect At Bukit Lanjan Forest Reserve, Selangor, Malaysia by Lim Boo Liat, Illar Muul & Chai Koh Shin
- Throughfall, Stemflow And Interception Studies On Hevea Stands In Peninsula Malaysia by T. S. Teoh
Volume 31 (3) April 1978

- Girth Class Distribution Of Seraya Shorea (Shorea curtisii) As An Indication Of Its Regeneration And Recruitment In Bukit Timah Nature Reserve by Wong Yew Kuan & Teo Teck Seng
- Forest Manipulation and Regeneration In Sabah by Liew That Chim
- Inheritance Of Flower Colour In Clitoria (Clitoria ternatea L.) by K. H. Chow
- The Natural Diet Of Three Malaysian Freshwater Pulmonate Snails by Margaret D. Palmieri, lames R. Palmieri and John T. Sullivan
- The Sharing Of Food Sources Between Two Gibbon Species In The Wild by Jeremy John Raemaekers
- Parasitic Nematodes Of The Tragulidae In Relationship With Other Helminth GroupsbyA.G. Chabaud, M. C. Durette-Desset, Lim Boo Liat and G. Dubost
Volume 31 (4) July 1978

- Population Assessment, Distribution and Movement in Cicendela Sumatrensis HBST (Coleoptera : Cicindelidae) by Tock H. Chua
- The Osteology of The Grey Mullet, Liza Subviridis (Valenciennes). The Branchiocranium, Vertebral Column and Girdles by A. K. Mohammad Mohsin
- The Nomenclature and Identity of The Javanese Frog Rana Macrodon Dumeril and Bibron by Kiew Bong Heang
- Some Bionomic Data on The House Geckos of Singapore by L.M. Chou
- Cannibalism ·and Necrophagy in A Subterranean Termite by G. Dhanarajan
- Area Management for The Javan Rhinoceros (Rllinoceros sondaicus Desm.) A Pilot Study
by Rudolf Schenkel, Lotte Schenkel – Hulliger and Widodo Sukohadi Ramano