MNJ Volume 32 (1978 – 1979)
Volume 32 (1) September 1978

- The Gunong Gajah- Tempurong Massif, Perak, And Its Associated Cave System, Gua Tempurong by l. Crowther
- Riverine Secondary Forest In The Kutai Nature Reserve, East Kalimantan, Indonesia by Bruce P. Wheatley
- Some Anthropods Of The Dipterocarp Forest Canopy In Malaya by H. Elliot McClure
- The Osteology Of The Grey Mullet, Liza subviridis (Valenciennes) The Neurocranium by
A. K. Mohammad Mohsin - Migratory Barn Swallows Hirundo rustica In The South China Sea by Ng Soon Chye
- Migrant Waders In Penang: Aves (Charadriidae and Scolopacidae) by N. P. E. Langham
- Nesting Sharp – Tailed Munias, Lonchuria striata, In Northern Province Wellesley, West Malaysia by Michael L. Avery
- Short Notes – Dacrydium In Malaya by E. l. H. Corner
- Short Notes- Concerning Nepenthes Seedlings by Y. C. Wee
- Short Notes – Unusual Branching Of The Frond Of Asplenium nidus by L. W. C. Wee and P. N. Avadhani
Volume 32 (2) December 1978

- A Simple Method of Vegetation Analysis by R. D. Hill
- The Herbaceous Formation and it Geomorphic Role, East Coast, Peninsula Malaysia by P. P. Wong
- Potoxylon, A New Bornean Genus of Lauraceae by A.J.G.H. Kostermans
- Ilex micrococca Maxim and I. polyneura (Hand-MZT) Hu (Aquifoliaceae) : New Records for Malaya and Thailand by Ruth Kiew and B. C. Stone
- Fruit Development, Seed Germination and Seedling Growth of Frangipani (Plumcria L., Apocynaceae) by K. H. Chow and P. D. Tjondronegoro
- A Contribution to the Rotifer Fauna of Singapore and Malaysia by Letha Karunakaran and Anne Johnson
- Bows, Blowpipes and Blunderbusse : Ecological Implications of Weapons Change Among the Malaysian Negritos by A. Terry Rambo
- Notes on the Preferred Landing / Biting Sites of Aedes albopictus (Skuse) in West Malaysia by R. G. Basia, M. S. Chang, C. E. Gajudo and K. V. Menon
- Analy is of Pellets from Blue-Tailed and Blue Throated Bee-Eaters in Province Wellesley, Malaysia by Michael L Avery and Norman D. Penny
Volume 32 (3&4) June 1979

- Some Notes on Savi’s Pigmy Shrew by G. W. H. Davison
- Mixing Depth, Wind Speed and Afr Pollution Potential in the Kuala Lumpur – Petaling Jaya Area Malaysia by Sham Sani
- Parasites of Fishes from Sungai Pinang and Sungai Teluk Bahang, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia by Chiang Geok Lian and Leong Tak Seng
- Radio-Tracking Tapirs in the Primary Rain Forest of West Malaysia by Keith D. Williams
- The Distribution of Liza Subviridis (Valencienncs 1836) in Penang Island by Chan Eng Heng and Chua Thia-Eng
- Observations on a Batch of Gekko Stentor Egg by Y. P. Tho and S. Y. Ho
- Some Observations on Natural Infections of Transversotrema patialense (Soparkar, 1924) Digenea : Transversotrematidae) in Fish and Snail Hosts from Penang, Malaysia by Christine Betterton
- Some Corals from the Pulau Redang Archipelago by Jonathan P. Green, Sue Harris, George Robertson and Deborah Santavy
- Notes on Some Corals from the West Coast of Sabah, Malaysia by Anthea Phillipps
- Vegetation Recovery from Drought on Mt. Kinabalu by J. M. B. Smith
- The Natural Diet of Pila scutata (Mousson, 1848), A Common Malaysian Prosobranch Snail by Margaret D. Palmieri, James R. Palmeiri and John T. Sullivan
- Niche Dimension in the Bamboo Mouse, Chiropodomys gliroides (Rodentia; Muridae) by Robert L. Rudd