MNJ Volume 34 (1980 – 1981)
Volume 34 (1) September 1980

- Territorial Fighting by Lesser Mouse-Deer. G. W. H. Davison
- Synopsis of Memecylon L. (Melastomataceae) In The Malay Peninsula. J. F. Maxwell
- The Community Structure of The Fringing Coral Reef, Cape Rachado. Goh Ah Hong and A. Sasekumar
- A Chemical Analysis of The Habitat of Nine Commonly Occuring Malaysia Freshwater Snails. Margaret D. Palmieri, James R. Palmieri and John T. Sullivan
- Observations On The Occurrence of Zornia Cantoniensis Mohlenbr In Malaysia.
M. Ratnasabapathy
Volume 34 (2) December 1980

- Lichens from Gunong Mulu National Park Sarawak, East Malaysia. – Part 1 : Introductory Account. Nathan Sammy
- Lichens from Gunong Mulu National Park Sarawak, East Malaysia. – Part II: Foliicolous Lichens. Nathan Sammy
- Ecology and Morphology of the Freshwater Fishes of Selangor. Part I : Cyprinoid Fishes of the Sub-families Abraminae, Rasborinae and Garrinae and Family Homalopteridae
and Cobitidae. A. K. Mohammad Mohsin - Violets at Cameron Highlands. J. A. Reid
- Inheritance of Flower and Stem Colours in Balsam (Impatiens balsamina L.) Y. S. Kong and K. H. Chow
- Population Density and Movements of the Lesser Gymnure, Hylomys Suillus. Robert L. Rudd
- Additional Information of Helminths in Puntius Binotatus from Pulau Pinang, Malaysia.
Leong Tak Seng
Volume 34 (3) March 1981

- Dicrocoelid digenea in Callosciurid Squirrels from various habitats in Selangor, Peninsular Malaysia : Infection patterns in Relation to Host Ecology. C. Betterton and B. L. Lim
- Notes on the Macrofungi of Langkawi. A. J. Kuthubutheen
- First Record of leaf cuttings under natural condition in Phyllagathis (Melastomataceae). R. Kiew and L Mohamed
- Parasites of freshwater fish from Alor Star and Sungei Patani fish markets, Kedah. T. S. Leong and Ahmad Safri bin Mokhtur
- The Marine Chlorophyceae and Phaeophycoac of Penang Island. Philip Crane
Volume 34 (4) July 1981

- Introduction
- Corals and Coral Morphology
- Scleractinian Corals
- Non-Scleractinian Coral
- Glossary
- Acknowledgements
- Bibliography
- Appendix – Note on Collecting sites
- Figures
- Plates