MNJ Volume 37 (1983 – 1984)
Volume 37 (1&2) August/October 1983

The Moths of Borneo: Family Notodontidae by J.D. Holloway
- Family characteristics
- Economic importance
- Host-plant relationships
- Zoogeography
- Status changes and revivals
- Tarsolepis Butler
- Dudusa Walker
- Gargetta Walker
- Stictogargetta Kiriakoff
- Porsica Walker
- Phycidopsis Hampson
- Brykia Gaede
- Besida Walker
- Archigargetta Kiriakoff
- Blakeia Kiriakoff
- Gangarides Moore
- Euhampsonia Dyar
- Cerasana Walker
- Phalera Hubner
Volume 37 (3) February 1984

- A new species of sticky frog (Kalophrynus palmatissimus n. sp.) from Peninsular Malaysia by Kiew Bong Heang
- Rana malesiana, a new frog from the Sunda Region by Kiew Bong Heang
- A new species of burrowing frog (Calluella flava sp. nov.) from Borneo by Kiew Bong Heang
- A new freshwater crab, Stoliczia (Johora) tiomanensis n. sp. (Decapoda: Brachyura: Potamidae) from Pulau Tioman, Peninsular Malaysia by Peter K.L. Ng and Leo W.H. Tan
- Fur mites of the family Myobiidae (Acari: Prostigmata) parasitic on bats in Peninsular Malaysia by A. Fain, M. Nadchatram and F.S. Lukoschus
- Additions to the Malayan flora. IX. New and noteworthy species, wild and introduced, in Peninsular Malaysia and Sarawak by Benjamin C. Stone
- A new endemic species of Ilex (Aquifoliaceae) from Gunung Ulu Kali, Pahang, Peninsular Malaysia by Benjamin C. Stone and Ruth Kiew
- Elemental content of litterfall in a Lower Montane Rain forest in Central Java, Indonesia by L.A. Bruijnzeel (Swami Prem Sampurno)
- Obituary by Henry S. Barlow
Volume 37 (4) May 1984

- New records of Peninsular Malaysian and Thai shrews by G. W.H. Davison
- A synopsis of Anerincleistus Korth. and Oxyspora DC. (Oxysporcae, llklastomataccae) in the Malay Peninsula by J. F. Maxwell
- Demodex intermedius sp. nov. (Acarina: Prostigmata: Demodicidac) from the Meibomian glands of the treeshrew Tupaia glis (Mammalia: Scandentia) by F. S. Lulwschus, L. J. A. M. Mertens, W.B. Nutting and M. Nadchatram
- Activity cycles of the house geckos, Cosymbotus platyurus and Hemidactylus frenatus by L.M. Chou and C.F. Leong