MNJ Volume 73 (2021)
Volume 73(1) March 2021
(Trachypithecus cristatus) at Bukit Melawati, Kuala Selangor, Selangor, Malaysia

2. Father-son relationship of Sulawesi babirusa (Babyrousa celebensis)
3.Rafflesia tiomanensis (Rafflesiaceae), a new species from Pulau Tioman, Pahang, Malaysia
4.Studies on Aglaonemateae (Araceae) of Peninsular Malaysia I : Aglaonema cochinchinense Engl.
and A. pumilum Hook. f., two new records for Peninsular Malaysia
5.Notes on the distribution of a rare taxon, Margaritaria indica f. indica (Phyllanthaceae) in Peninsular Malaysia
6. A preliminary checklist of flowering plants in Ma’okil Forest Reserve, Johor, Malaysia
7.Distribution of Corbicula fluminea (Muller, 1774) in Kelantan, Malaysia
8. Barringtonia spicata Blume (Lecythidaceae) resurrected : Evidence from the molecular and morphological data
9. Propagation methods, agronomic practices and fruit production of Durio zibethinus L. in Malaysia: A review
10. Utilization of historic herbarium collections as an indicator of occurrence of Bornean ironwood in Sarawak, Malaysia
11. A revision of genus Vatica L. (Dipterocarpaceae) in Borneo I : Taxa in Sabah and Sarawak
12. Sources of children’s environmental knowledge and their perceptions about the environment
View MNJ Volume 73 (1)
Volume 73(2) June 2021
Pulau Pinang and the initiation of citizen science in Malaysia

2. Impact of climate change on dengue incidence in Bandar Baru Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia
3. Reptile assemblage response to forest degradation in Hulu Terengganu, Peninsular Malaysia
4. Assessing perceptions and solutions to human -monkey conflict in the Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia campus, Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia
5. Phytogeographic study on Araceae obligate to limestone hill forest in Kelantan, Malaysia
6. Additional contribution of seed plants of Pulau Aur, Mersing, Johor, Malaysia
7. Forest floor vegetation in a forest gap affected by lightning strikes in Bangi Forest Reserve, Selangor,
8. Studies in Malesian Vitaceae XVII. A revision of Tetrastigma (Miq.) Planch. sect. Tetrastigma
9. Musa x putei-gentu, a new natural hybrid of wild banana from Sarawak, Malaysia
View MNJ Volume 73 (2)
Volume 73(3) September 2021
Obituary – Dr.Ong Jin Eong & Balu Perumal
1.Mini preliminary review on the environment status of Kuala Muda, Kedah, Malaysia
2.Ulu Muda Forest Reserve : A systematic literature review of research pertaining to the 160,000 hectare tropical rainforest
3.Morphometric analysis of the main river system in Ulu Muda Forest Reserve, Kedah, Malaysia
4. A preliminary study on Asian elephants’ activity and trails in Ulu Muda Forest Reserve, Kedah, Malaysia
5.Camera trapping study in Ulu Muda Forest Reserve, Kedah with a revised list of non-volant mammals
6.Checklist of reptiles in Sungai Muda sub-catchment, Ulu Muda Forest Reserve, Kedah, Malaysia
7.Amphibian diversity of Ulu Muda Forest Reserve, Kedah, Malaysia
8.Fish diversity along streams in Ulu Muda Forest Reserve, Kedah, Malaysia
9.Length-weight relationship and relative condition factor of fishes in the tributaries of Muda Reservoir, Ulu Muda Forest Reserve, Kedah, Peninsular Malaysia
10.Dung beetles of Sira Air Hangat, Ulu Muda Forest Reserve, Kedah, Malaysia
11. The zooplankton community as an ecological indicator in a reservoir at Ulu Muda Forest Reserve,Kedah, Peninsular Malaysia
12. Tree species composition and diversity- at Ulu Muda Forest Reserve, Kedah, Malaysia
View MNJ Volume 73 (3)
Volume 73(4) December 2021
1.Studies on marine and coastal environment published in the Malayan Nature Journal in the past 10 years : a review
2.Preserving the first nature for sustainable development goals in the Kuala Lumpur extended mega-urban region : The role of urban forest for a liveable city
3.Forestry and Climate Change in Malaysia
4. Species composition and diversity of saplings in Ma’okil Forest Reserve, Muar, Johor, Peninsular Malaysia
5.Assessment of Tanjung Bewah karst at Tasik Kenyir and construction of a framework for High Value Biodiversity Area
6. Stand structure of 1-ha logged over Bornean forest in Universiti Putra Malaysia, Bintulu Campus, Sarawak, Malaysia
7. Checklist of Malaysian benthic marine algae
8. Palms of Malaysia and their conservation
9. A review of species diversity of Rafflesia (Rafflesiaceae) in Malaysia
10. Studies in Malesian Vitaceae XVI1. Revision of Cayratia sect. Cayratia Suesseng.
11. Revision of Peninsular Malaysian Rinorea Aublet (Violaceae)
12. Diversity and activity pattern of Felidae around Fraser’s Hill, Pahang, Malaysia
13. Genetic differentiation of cryptic species
14.Phylogenetic position of Trachypithecus obscurus obscurus based on D-loop region of mitochondrial DNA in Gunung Ledang, Johor, Malaysia
15. Perception and challenges of PrimaTourism (Primate-based Tourism) in Kota Tinggi, Johor, Malaysia
16. A note on the first record of an albino short-nosed fruit bat (Chiroptera : Pteropodidae) in Malaysia
17. Low diversity of fruit bats in the East Coast islands of Terengganu, Malaysia
18. Ethnoprimatological survey among Semoq Beri (Senoi) in Maran, Pahang, Malaysia
19. Ethnoprimatological survey among Temuans (Proto-Malay) in Gunung Ledang, Johor, Malaysia