MNJ Volume 17 (1963)
Volume 17 (1&2) April 1963

- English vernacular names of the birds of the Malaysian sub-region by H. E. McClure
- Bird report: 1962 by Lord Medway and D. R. Wells
- Some bird “rarities” by H. E. McClure
- Is this one of the rarest birds in the world? by H. E. McClure
- Northern visitors to Malaya by H. E. McClure
Ferns of the quartz ridges by B. M. Allen
Conservation news
Report on international meetings by H. E. McClure
- Notes on the cave faunas of two limestone massifs in the Taman Negara by J. A. Bullock
- Letter from an old-timer by F. C. Hadden
- Interesting coastal exposures east of Kuah, Pulau Langkawi by C. S. Hutchison
- Spheroidal weathering in Pulau Langgon, Langkawi by J. H. Leow
- The winged stick-insect, Eurycnema versifasciata Serv. (Phasmida, Phasmatidae) with special reference to its life history by M. Nadchatram
- Figs and fig-insects: notes on collecting fig-insects
- Early stages of a pentatomid bug by K. F. Yap
- Request for Malayan bumblebees from Borev Tkalco
- A key to the Malayan species of Arhopala Boisduval by J. N. Eliot
- Migrating butterflies by G. A. Watson
Invertebrates other than insects
- An introduction to the non-marine molluscs of Malaya by A. J. Berry
- Two field collections of Malayan ticks and mites by R. Domrow and M. Nadchatram
- A preliminary illustrated account of mangrove molluscs from Singapore and South-west Malaya by C. F. Lim
- Pig’s nests by Lord Medway
- Serow in Ulu Gombak by D. E. Eyles
- Recent records for the tapir in Templer Park by F. L. Dunn and J.R.Adams
- Slow lorises and luminosity by F. L. Dunn
- Trying to breed Tarsius by B. Harrisson
- A wounded tapir by H. E. McClure
- Tapir near Kuala Lumpur by J. Miller
- A bullock enjoys a bathe by R. Pepper
Past issues of the journal
- Appointment of Vice-presidents
Report of the Sixteenth Annual General Meeting President’s report
Other reports
Branch reports: Selangor, Singapore & Pahang - Report of the M.A.H.A. Exhibition 1963
- Balance sheet
- A review: The apes and monkeys of Malaya (including the Slow Loris) by J. L. Harrison by Lord Medway
- Pocket checklist of birds
Amended Rules of the Society
Volume 17 (3) September 1963
Bird Report: 1962 Edited by Lord Medway and D. R. Wells
- Two Field Collections of Malayan Ticks and Mites by R. Damrow and M. Nadchatram
- Interesting Coastal Exposures East of Kuah, Pulau Langkawi by Charles S. Hutchison
- Spheroidal Weathering in Pulau Langgon, Langkawi by J. H. Leow
- Some Bird Rarities by H. Elliott McClure
- Request for Malayan Bumblebees from Borey Tkalco
- Letter from an old Timber by Fred Hadden
Volume 17 (4) December 1963
Is this one of the rarest birds in the World? by H. Elliott McClure
- A key to the Malayan Species of Arhopala Boisduval, 1832 by J. N. Eliot
- Trying to Breed Tarsius by Barbara Harrisson
- Northern Visitors to Malaya by H. Elliott McClure
- A preliminary illustrated account of Mangrove molluscs from Singapore and South-West Malaya by C. F. Lim
Report of the Sixteenth Annual General Meeting
Report of the Branches : Selangor, Singapore & Pahang
Report of the M. A. H. A. Exhibition 1963
- Migrating Butterflies by G. A. Watson
- A wounded Tapir by H. Elliott McClure
- Tapir near Kuala Lumpur by James Miller
- A bullock enjoys a bathe by Rosemary Pepper