MNJ Volume 41 (1987-1988)
Volume 41 (1) August 1987
A preliminary account of the metazoan food webs in phytotelmata from Sulawesi by R. L. Kitching
- A revision of the Malayan freshwater crabs of the genus Johora Bott, 1966 (Decapoda: Brachyura: Potamidae) by Peter K. L. Ng
- A new species of Chasmagnathus (Crustacea: Brachyura: Grapsidae) from the Bodgaya Island Group (Semporna) Sabah, Borneo by Paul F. Clark
- A note on Diospyros ridleyi Bakh. (Ebenaceae) by M. K. Vasudeva Rao
- Two new species of Tortanus (Crustacea, Copepoda) from Sabah, Malaysia by B.H.R. Othman
- Parasites of fishes from Tasik Temengor in Perak, Malaysia by Leong Tak Seng, Khoo Khay Huat, Soon Fong Lee, Eddy S.P. Tan and Wong See Yong
Volume 41 (2&3) December 1987

- The Malaysian Heritage and Scientific Expedition: Endau-Rompin, 1985-1986 by Kiew B.H., G.W.H. Davison and R. Kiew
- Geology of the Ulu Endau area, Johore-Pahang, Malaysia by M.B. Idris, S. Azman and Z. Rosedean
- Temperature variation in lowland dipterocarp forest at Ulu Endau, Johore, Malaysia by Sham Sani and Jamaluddin Jahi
- Soil conditions in some forest types on Gunung Janing Barat, Ulu Endau, Johore, Malaysia by A. Ahmad-Shah
- A note on Diospyros ridleyi Bakh. (Ebenaceae) by M.K. Vasudeva Rao
- A new species of Livistona (Palmae) from Peninsular Malaysia by J. Dransfield and K.M Wong
- A survey of the forests of the Endau,Rompin area, Peninsular Malaysia: principal forest types and florisitic notes by K.M. Wong, Saw L.G. and K.M. Kochummen
- Freshwater algae from the Ulu Endau area, Johore, Malaysia by Phang S.M. and P. Leong
- Freshwater diatoms of Ulu Endau, Johore, Malaysia by Wah T.T., Wee Y.C. and Phang S.M.
- Occurrence of Vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhiza in Ulu Endau, Johore·, Malaysia by I. Louis and G. Lim
- First report of the entomogenous fungus Cordyceps dipterigena from Peninsular Malaysia by R. Kiew and B. Spooner
- The moss flora of Ulu Endau, Johore, Malaysia by Haji Mohamed and Ahmad Damanhuri Mohamad
- The ferns and fern-allies of Ulu Endau, Johore, Malaysia by R. Kiew, B.S. Parris, S. Madhavan, P.J. Edwards & Wong K.M.
- The herbaceous flora of Ulu Endau, Johore-Pahang, Malaysia, including taxonomic notes and descriptions of new species by R. Kiew
- A preliminary checklist of orchids from Ulu Endau, Johore, Malaysia by Shaharin Yussof, R. Kiew, Lium W.H. and Nuraini Ibrahim
- Notes on the natural history of the Johore banana, Musa gracilis Holttum by R. Kiew
- The bamboos of the Ulu Endau area, Johore, Malaysia by Wong K.M.
- An annotated checklist of palms at Ulu Endau, Johore, Malaysia by J. Dransfield and R. Kiew
- Some new and interesting plant species from Ulu Ehdau, Johore, Malaysia by Wong K.M., Saw L.G. and K.M. Kochummen
- Structure, above ground biomass and florisitic composition of forest formations at Gunung. Janing Barat, Ulu Endau, Johore, Malaysia by E. Soepadmo
- Litter production in logged-over and primary forests in Ulu Endau, Johore, Malaysia by Lim M.T.
- Size structure of Livistona endaumsis populations at four sites o.n Gunung Janing Barat, Johore, Malaysia by J. Weiner and R.T. Corlett
- A comparative study of vascular epiphytes in three epiphyte-rich habitats at Ulu Endau,Johore, Malaysia by R. Kiew and S. Anthonysamy
- Some aspects of herbal medicine among the Orang Hulu community of Kampung Peta, Johore, Malaysia by C.E. Taylor and Wong K.M.
- A phytochemical survey at Ulu Endau, Johore, Malaysia by R. Kiew, Nordin Hj. Lajis, S. Anthonysamy, Ismail Bakar, Lim C.G., Omar Yusof, A. Ravindran and Mohd Razali Salam
- Barringtonia corneri, (Lecythidaceae), a remarkable new litter-trapping species from johore, Malaysia by R. Kiew and K.M. Wong
- A preliminary account of the metawan food webs in phytotelmata from Sulawesi by R.L. Kuching
- A revision of the Malayan freshwater crabs of the genus Johora Bott, 1966 (Decapoda : Brachyura: Potamidae) by Peter K.L. Ng
- A new species of Chasmagnathus (Crustacea: Brachyura: Grapsidae) from the Bodgaya Island Group (Semporna), Sabah, Borneo by Paul F. Clark
- Two new spices of Tor/anus (Crustacea, Copepoda) from Sabah, Malaysia by B.H.R. Othman
- Parasites of fishes from Tasik Temengor iu Perak, Malaysia by Leong Tak Seng, Khoo Khay Huat, Soon Fong Lee, Eddy S.P. Tan and Wong See Yong
- Water quality and fauna) composition in the streams and rivers of the Ulu Endau area, Johore, Malaysia by R.P. Lim
- Collection of small vertebrates and their endoparasites from Ulu Endau, Johore, Malaysia by K. Inder Singh, M. Krishnasamy and Ho T.M.
- A preliminary study of soil invertebrates on the slopes of Gunung Janing Barat, Johore, Malaysia by A. Sasekumar and J.Y.M. Ho
- A new species of Liphistius (Araneae, Mesothelae) from Johore, Malaysia by W.C. Sedgwick and N.I. Platnick
- Butterflies of the Kuala Jasin region, Ulu Endau, Johore, Malaysia by L.G. Kirton and C.G. Kirton
- A melastoma-feeding chrysomelid, Attica cyanea, from Ulu Endau, Johore, Malaysia by P.A.C. Ooi
- A comparison of the diets of some rainforest grasshoppers (Orthoptera: Acrididae) in Malaysia The taxonomy and biology of the nepenthiphilous freshwater sesarmine crab, Geosesama malayanum Ng and Lim, 1986 (Crustacea, Decapoda, Brachyura, Grapsidae) from Peninsular Malaysia by P.K.L. Ng and R.P. Lim
- The fish fauna of the Ulu Endau river system, Johore, Malaysia by Mohd Zakaria-Ismail
- An annotated checklist of the herpetofauna of Ulu Endau, Johore, Malaysia by Kiew B.H.
- The birds of Ulu Endau, Johore, Malaysia, with special reference to birds of heath and fan palm forests by G.W.H. Davison
- Mammals of Ulu Endau, Johore, Malaysia by G.W.H. Davison and Kiew B.H.
- The abundance of bats in selected forest types at Ulu Endau, Johore, Malaysia by G.W.H. Davison and Zubaid Bakar
- Taxonomic and ecological relations of Bornean stream toads allied to Ansonia leptopus (Gunther) (Anura: Bufonidae) by R.F. Inger and J. Dring
- Some aspects of the biology of the caryophyllid cestode, pjombangia penetrans in catfish, Clarias batrachus from Kedah, Malaysia by Zarina Zaman and T.S. Leong
- Watermites of the genus Arrenurus (Hydrachnidia) from Peninsular Malaysia by P.R. Wiles
- Heavy metals in fishes in the Kelang Estuary, Malaysia by A.T. Law and A. Singh
- Water quality and mass fish mortality al Mengabang Lagoon, Trengganu, Malaysia by L. Shamsudin
- Passive aerial disperal during moulting in tropical collcmbola by R.E. Blackith and R.H.L. Disney
Volume 41 (4) May 1988
Soil conditions in some forest types on Gunung Janing Barat, Ulu Endau, Johore, Malaysia by A. Ahmad-Shah
- Barringtonia corneri, (Lecythidaceae ), a remarkable new Iittertrapping species from Johore, Malaysia by R. Kiew and K.M. Wong
- Taxonomic and ecological relations of Bomean stream toads allied to Ansonia leptopus (Gunther) (Anura: Bufonidae) by R.F. Inger and J. Dring
- Some aspects of the biology of the caryophyllid cestode, penetrans in catfish, Clarias batrachus from Kedah, Malaysia by Zarina Zaman and T.S. Leong
- Watermites of the genus Arrenurus (Hydrachnidia) from Peninsular Malaysia by P.R. Wiles
- Heavy metals in fishes in the Kelang Estuary, Malaysia by A.T. Law and A. Singh
- Water quality and mass fish mortality at Mengabang Lagoon,Terengganu, Malaysia by L. Shamsudin
- Passive aerial disperal during moulting in tropical collembola by R.E. Blackith and R.H.L. Disney