MNJ Volume 46 (1992-1993)
Volume 46 (1) August 1992
- A revision of the genus Tetrardisia Mez (Myrsinaceae) by Benjamin C. Stone
- Systellantha, a new genus of Myrsinaceae from Borneo by Benjamin C. Stone
- A new species of loach, Nemacheilus elegantissimus, (Family Balitoridae, Subfamily Nemacheilinae) from Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia by Chin Phui Kong and Abdullah Samat
- Notes on the catfish, Bagrichthys macracanthus (Pisces: Bagridae) from Peninsular Malaysia by Mohd Zakaria-Ismail
- The montane amphibian fauna of northwestern Borneo by Robert F. Inger and Robert B. Stuebing
- The cervical vertebrae of the Sumatran Rhinoceros (Dicerorhinus sumatrensis sumatrensis) by M.K. Vidyadaran, T.H. Rozyati, X.M. Richard, Zainah Zahari-Zainuddin and Mohd-Tajuddin Abdullah
- Observations on the reproductive biology and social behaviour of the Philippine flying lemur (Cynocephalus volans) by E. William Wischusen, Nina R. Ingle and Milo E. Richmond
- Butterflies of the Bulolu-Wau Valley by Michael Parsons
Volume 46 (2) November 1992
- Nepenthes mirabilis (Loureiro) Druce from Borneo by Jumaat Haji Adam and C.C. Wilcock
- Floristic composition of Virgin Jungle Reserve (VJR) at Kuala Langat South peat swamp forest, Selangor, Peninsular Malaysia by S. Ibrahim and P.H. Chong
- Kopsia arborea Blume (Apocynaceae) – A new record for India from Nicobar Islands by P.V. Sreekumar and M.K. Vasudeva Rao
- A new ant-tree from S.E. Asia : Zanthoxylum myriacanthum (Rutaceae), the thorny ivy-rue by Ulrich Maschwitz, Brigitte Fiala and K. Eduard Linsenmair
- Notes on the catfish Laides sinensis (Pisces: Pangasiidae) from Peninsular Malaysia by Mohd Zakaria-Ismail
- The genus Mimastra Baly from Peninsular Malaysia (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae, Galerucinae) by Mohamed S. Mohamedsaid
- A note on the taxonomy and larvae of the acid water prawn Macrobrachium trompii (De Man, 1898) (Crustaceae, Decapoda, Caridea, Palaemonidae) by Peter K.L. Ng and Samuel S.C. Chong
- Composition of mixed-species foraging flocks in a Bornean rainforest by Timothy G. Laman
Volume 46 (3 & 4) February - May 1993
- Ficus aurantiacea Griff var. aurantiacea from South Andamas, India by Sam P. Mathew and Susan Abraham
- Sexual dimorphism in the reproductive phenology of Ficus grossularioides Burm. f. in Singapore by Richard T. Corlett
- A botanical reconnaisance of Pulau Tinggi, Johore by I.M. Turner, H.T.W. Tan, K.S. Chua, P.T. Chew and Haji Samsuri bin Haji Ahmad
- The vegetation of Pulau Sibu, Johore by I.M. Turner, H.T.W. Tan, P.P. Kumar, K.S. Chua and Haji Samsuri bin Haji Ahmad
- Parathelphusa maindroni (Rathbun, 1902), a peat swamp crab from Peninsular Malaysia and Sumatra (Crustacea: Decapoda: Brachyura: Parathelpusidae) by Peter K.L. Ng
- The fish fauna of the Sungai Teris and Sungai Rengit, Krau Game Reserve, Pahang, Malaysia by Mohd Zakaria-Ismail
- Notes on the feeding behaviour of the Water Monitor, Varanus salvator by Cark Traeholt
- The status of the Hawksbill Eretmochelys imbricata and Green Turtle Chelonia mydas of Melaka and Negeri Sembilan by Jeanne A. Mortimer, Zaid Ahmad and Safee Kaslan
- Roost site selection and the walking and roosting behaviour of Mynas in relation to light intensity by Kang Nee and Veronica Yeo Y.Y.
- Mass feeding by Dog-faced Water Snake (Cerberus rhynchops) on Sumatran mudflats by Wim Giesen