Malayan Nature Journal (MNJ)

Home Volume 49

MNJ Volume 49 (1995-1996)

Volume 49 (1) August 1995

  1. New record of Dendrobium incurvum Lindl. from the Andaman Islands: An addition to the Indian flora by P.S.N. Rao and B.K.Sinha
  2. Trichome variation in leaves of Hibiscus L. species from Peninsular Malaysia by Khatijah Hj. Hussin, Siti Zabidah, A. Manaf, Zaharina Mohamat Sani and A. Latiff
  3. A new False Spider Crab, Neorhyncoplax dentata (Crustacea: Decapoda: Brachyura, Hymenosomatidae) from northern Sarawak, Malaysia by Peter K.L. Ng
  4. A new species of Janides (Lepidoptera: Lyncaenidae) from the Malay Peninsula by J.N. Eliot
  5. Notes on the stick-insect genus Abrosoma in Peninsular Malaysia (Insecta: Phasmida), with description of a new species by Paul D. Brock and F. Seow-Choen
  6. A remarkable new genus of stick-insect (Insecta: Phasmida: Pseudophasmatidae) from Peninsular Malaysia by Paul D. Brock
  7. The occurrence of the catfish Helicophagus waandersii (Pisces: Pangasiidae) in Peninsular Malaysia by Kelvin K.P. Lim and Mohd. Zakaria-Ismail
  8. Hemibagrus hoevenii, a valid species of Sundaic catfish (Teleostei: Bagridae) by Maurice Kottelat and Kelvin K.P. Lim
  9. Notes on Lobocheilus bo (Popta) (Pisces: Cyprinidae) from Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia by Mazlan Abd. Ghaffar and Abdullah Samat

Volume 49 (2) November 1995

  1. Alphonsea boniana Finet et Gapnep. (Annonaceae), new to Peninsular Malaysia, and notes on other Alphonsea species in the Peninsula by A. Latiff and K. Mat Salleh
  2. Additional records for the flora of Ulu Kinchin, Pahang, Peninsular Malaysia by I.M. Turner, H.T.W. Tan and J.W.H. Yong
  3. Geosesarma aurantium, a new sesarmine land crab (Crustacea: Decapoda: Brachyura: Grapsidae) from Sabah by P.K.L. Ng
  4. Hornets (Hymenoptera: Vepsinae) of Malaysia by S.J. Martin
  5. Catalogue to stick and leaf-insects (Insecta: Phasmida) assosciated with Peninsular Malaysia and Singapore by P.D. Brock
  6. Notes on the burrows of the water monitor lizard, Veranus salvator by C. Traeholt
  7. A note on the distribution of Varanus dumerilii and V. rudicollis in Peninsular Malaysia by D. Bennett and B.L. Lim
  8. Forest avifauna of Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia and some other forest remnants in Selangor, Peninsular Malaysia by H. Ford and G.W.H. Davison
  9. The relative abundance of rates between two forest types in Peninsular Malaysia by A. Zubaid and M. Rizal
  10. Determination of habitat use by some Malaysian rats using fluorescent powder tracking by S.P. Lim and A. Zubaid

Volume 48 (3 & 4) February-April 1996

  1. The Moths of Borneo: Family Geometridae, Subfamilies Oenochrominae, Desmobathrinae and Geometrinae by J.D. Holloway