MNJ Volume 49 (1995-1996)
Volume 49 (1) August 1995
- New record of Dendrobium incurvum Lindl. from the Andaman Islands: An addition to the Indian flora by P.S.N. Rao and B.K.Sinha
- Trichome variation in leaves of Hibiscus L. species from Peninsular Malaysia by Khatijah Hj. Hussin, Siti Zabidah, A. Manaf, Zaharina Mohamat Sani and A. Latiff
- A new False Spider Crab, Neorhyncoplax dentata (Crustacea: Decapoda: Brachyura, Hymenosomatidae) from northern Sarawak, Malaysia by Peter K.L. Ng
- A new species of Janides (Lepidoptera: Lyncaenidae) from the Malay Peninsula by J.N. Eliot
- Notes on the stick-insect genus Abrosoma in Peninsular Malaysia (Insecta: Phasmida), with description of a new species by Paul D. Brock and F. Seow-Choen
- A remarkable new genus of stick-insect (Insecta: Phasmida: Pseudophasmatidae) from Peninsular Malaysia by Paul D. Brock
- The occurrence of the catfish Helicophagus waandersii (Pisces: Pangasiidae) in Peninsular Malaysia by Kelvin K.P. Lim and Mohd. Zakaria-Ismail
- Hemibagrus hoevenii, a valid species of Sundaic catfish (Teleostei: Bagridae) by Maurice Kottelat and Kelvin K.P. Lim
- Notes on Lobocheilus bo (Popta) (Pisces: Cyprinidae) from Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia by Mazlan Abd. Ghaffar and Abdullah Samat
Volume 49 (2) November 1995
- Alphonsea boniana Finet et Gapnep. (Annonaceae), new to Peninsular Malaysia, and notes on other Alphonsea species in the Peninsula by A. Latiff and K. Mat Salleh
- Additional records for the flora of Ulu Kinchin, Pahang, Peninsular Malaysia by I.M. Turner, H.T.W. Tan and J.W.H. Yong
- Geosesarma aurantium, a new sesarmine land crab (Crustacea: Decapoda: Brachyura: Grapsidae) from Sabah by P.K.L. Ng
- Hornets (Hymenoptera: Vepsinae) of Malaysia by S.J. Martin
- Catalogue to stick and leaf-insects (Insecta: Phasmida) assosciated with Peninsular Malaysia and Singapore by P.D. Brock
- Notes on the burrows of the water monitor lizard, Veranus salvator by C. Traeholt
- A note on the distribution of Varanus dumerilii and V. rudicollis in Peninsular Malaysia by D. Bennett and B.L. Lim
- Forest avifauna of Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia and some other forest remnants in Selangor, Peninsular Malaysia by H. Ford and G.W.H. Davison
- The relative abundance of rates between two forest types in Peninsular Malaysia by A. Zubaid and M. Rizal
- Determination of habitat use by some Malaysian rats using fluorescent powder tracking by S.P. Lim and A. Zubaid
Volume 48 (3 & 4) February-April 1996
- The Moths of Borneo: Family Geometridae, Subfamilies Oenochrominae, Desmobathrinae and Geometrinae by J.D. Holloway