Malayan Nature Journal (MNJ)

Home Volume 59

MNJ Volume 59 (2006)

Volume 59 (1) March 2006

  1. Updating The Butterflies of the Malay Peninsular
  2. Early Stages of Xanthotaenia busiris (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae), and the First Report of a Larval Anal Comb in the Nymphalidae
  3. An interesting Discovery of the Tortoise Beetles Aspidimorpha deus ta and Silana farinosa in Borneo (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Cassidinae)
  4. Is Rattus rattus Invading the Primary Rainforest on Borneo?
  5. Willingness-to-pay for the Protection of a Bird Sanctuary: Perspective from birdwatchers and non- Birdwatchers
  6. Algaland intervertebrate diversity of the intertidal zone at labrador nature reserve, Singapore
  7. Inland fishes recorded from the Langkawi Island, Peninsular Malaysia



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Volume 59 (2) June 2006

  1. A Checklist of Seed Plants at Gunung Aais Forest Reserve, Pahang, Peninsular Malaysia
  2. Population Size and Distribution of the Proboscis Monkey Nasalis larvatus in the Klias Peninsula, Sabah, Malaysia
  3. Small Mammal Survey at Two Sites in Planted Forest Zone, Bintulu, Sarawak
  4. A bat survey in sungai wain protected forest, east kalimantan indonesia
  5. Scanning electron micrographs of Dermatophagoides farinae house dust mite in Malaysia


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Volume 59 (3) September 2006

  1. A Survey or Ant Species at Chagar Hutang, Redang Island and a New Record of Anoplolepis gracilipes an invasive Species
  2. The Butterfly Taxa Named by John Nevill Eliot, with a Bibliography of his Published Work
  3. Population Structure and Density or the Prey of Tigers (Panthera tigris) in the Sundarbans East Wildlife Sanctuary or Bangladesh
  4. Confirmation of the Presence of the Tiger Panthera tigris (L) in Late Pleistocene and Holocene Borneo
  5. Habitat Use and Population Density of Proboseis Monkeys at Samunsam Wildlife, Sanctuary, Sarawak

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Volume 59 (4) December 2006

  1. Bouea macrophylla Griff. (Anacardiaceae) – a new report for India from Andaman Islands.
  2. Estimating the Island Population Density and Abundance of Red Junglefowl
    (Gallus gallus): Biological Indicator for Sustainable Managed Oil Palm Plantations?
  3. Herbal Seed Dispersal by Banteng in a Bomean Tropical Rainforest
  4. A list of Chrysomelidae (Coleoptera) from Chiang Mai, Thailand in the collection of Centre for Insect Systematic (UKM) Malaysia
  5. A preliminary study cm the effect of insecticidal bait-on Anoplolepis gracilipes (Hymenoptera  Formicidae), a newly recorded invasive species at Chagar Hutang, Redang Island

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