Guidelines for Authors
The Malayan Nature Journal (MNJ) is an internationally peer-reviewed journal that has been published by the Malaysian Nature Society since 1940. MNJ publishes original papers on the biology, natural history, anthropology and conservation of Malaysia and the surrounding region. Topics may include terrestrial, fresh water or marine studies, in bio-geography, conservation biology, ecology, evolutionary biology, natural resource management, population biology, restoration ecology, or taxonomy and systematics. Research articles, short notes, reviews and commentary pieces may also be submitted.
Submission: Electronic submission is preferred. Articles should be submitted to or
Style and length: Research articles should not exceed 5000 words (8 tables and figures) with the sections: Abstract (max 200 words), Keywords, Introduction, Material and Methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgements, and References.
Short Notes should not exceed 1000 words (3 figures or tables) with Abstract (100 words), Keywords, main text, Acknowledgements, and References.
Review Articles should not exceed 5000 words (8 figures or tables) with Abstract (200 words), Keywords (5-10), main text, Acknowledgements, and References. The main text may be subdivided as is suitable for the topic in question.
Commentary Articles should be brief (up to 1000 words) and discussion are based on new findings with Abstract (100 words), Keywords (5-10), main text, Acknowledgements, and References.
Manuscript Format: Manuscripts should be prepared in 12pt text, with double line spacing, and justified.
Line Numbers should be provided.
Authors and Affiliations: The names and institutional addresses of the author(s) should be included on the title pages. Corresponding author’s email address and telephone numbers should be provided.
Citation and References: Text citations are as follows (Wong 1992) or (Wong and Ong 1992) or (Wong et al. 1992). Multiple citations are seperated by commas and listed in chronological order. References are prepared as follows:
Arshad, S.J and Storey, H.M. 1996. The butterflies of Malaysia. Malayan Nature Journal 25: 22–37.
Barlow, H.S. 1982. An introduction to the Moths of Southeast Asia. Kuala Lumpur: Malayan Nature Society.
Ng, P.K.L. 1990. The freshwater crabs and prawns of Singapore. In Essays in Zoology, L.M. Chou and P.K.L. Ng (eds.). Singapore: National University of Singapore. pp 189-204.
Tables and Figures should fit within the print area 13 x 20 cm.
Figures should be clearly illustrated and saved as raster graphics (preferable in jpeg format) at a minimum of 300dpi. Coloured figures should preferable be saved at 600dpi. Drawings should be planned to stand 50 % reduction (use scale bars). Please keep the manuscript the size to < 10MB. The cost of colour figures must be borne by the author. Acceptance of such figures is at the discretion of the editor.
The metric system and SI units should be used. Numbers from one to ten should be spelled in full.
Galley proof: Authors will receive proofs of their papers before publication. These should be corrected and returned to the editor within 7 days.
Please address all enquiries of submission to:
Malaysian Nature Society
Address: JKR 641, Jalan Kelantan, Bukit Persekutuan, 50480 Kuala Lumpur.
Email :
Website :
Tel : 603 2287 9422
Fax : 603 2287 8773
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